2024-10-26 11:54:28
2024-10-26 11:54:28
Securing RDP Connections with Trusted SSL/TLS Certificates is a healthy practice. We use them to secure RDP connections to Windows computers or servers in an Active Directory domain.
This is how to ensure traffic sent over RDP is protected by SSL/TLS. We will use trusted SSL certs instead of default self-signed RDP certificates.
By default, to secure an RDP session Windows generates a self-signed certificate. During the first connection to an RDP/RDS host using the mstsc.exe client, a user sees the following warning:
The remote computer could not be authenticated due to problems with its security certificate. It may be unsafe to proceed.
Certificate error: The certificate is not from a trusted certifying authority.
To proceed and establish the connection, we have to click Yes.
To prevent the repetition of this warning, we can check the “Don’t ask me again for connections to this computer” option.
In this case, the RDP certificate thumbprint is saved in the CertHash parameter of the registry key. It has the RDP connection history on a client.
In this example, we will configure a custom RDP certificates template in the Certificate Authority and a Group Policy to automatically issue and bind an SSL/TLS certificate to the Remote Desktop Services.
Let’s try to use a trusted SSL/TLS certificate issued by a corporate certificate authority to secure RDP connections. Using this certificate, a user can authenticate an RDP server when connecting. Suppose, that a corporate Microsoft Certificate Authority is already deployed in your domain. In this case, you can configure automatic issues and the connection of certificates to all Windows computers and servers in the domain. You must create a new type of certificate template for RDP/RDS hosts in your CA:
Now you need to configure a domain GPO to automatically assign RDP certificates to computers/servers according to the configured template.
It is supposed that all domain computers trust the corporate Certificate Authority, i.e. the root certificate has been added to the Trusted Root Certificate Authorities using GPO.
If the new Group Policy settings have not been applied, use the gpresult tool and this article to diagnose. To apply for the new RDP certificate, restart Remote Desktop Services:
Get-Service TermService -ComputerName mun-dc01| Restart-Service –force –verbose
After that, when connecting to a server using RDP, you won’t see a request to confirm that the certificate is trusted (to see the request, connect to the server the certificate is issued for using its IP address instead of the FQDN). Click View certificate, go to the Details tab and copy the value in the Thumbprint field.
In the Issued Certificates section of the Certification Authority console, you can make sure that an RDPTemplate certificate has been issued for the specific Windows server/computer. Also check the certificate Thumbprint value:
Then compare this thumbprint with the certificate thumbprint used by the Remote Desktop Service. You can view the value of the RDS certificate thumbprint in the registry (HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\WinStations, the TemplateCertificate parameter) or using the following PowerShell command:
Get-WmiObject -Class "Win32_TSGeneralSetting" -Namespace root\cimv2\terminalservices|select SSLCertificateSHA1Hash
Then, when connecting to the remote desktop of any Windows host, you won’t see a warning of an untrusted RDP certificate.
If you don’t have a CA, but you do not want your users to see warnings when they connect to an RDP/RDS host, you can add the certificate to the trusted ones on user computers.
Get the value of the RDP certificate thumbprint as described above:
Get-WmiObject -Class "Win32_TSGeneralSetting" -Namespace root\cimv2\terminalservices|select SSLCertificateSHA1Hash
Use this fingerprint to sign the .RDP file with the RDPSign.exe tool:
rdpsign.exe /sha256 25A27B2947022CC11BAFF261234567DEB2ABC21 "C:\ps\mun-dc01.rdp"
Then add this thumbprint to the trusted certificates on user computers using GPO. Specify the thumbprints (separated by a semicolon) in the Specify SHA1 thumbprints of certificates representing trusted .rdp publishers policy in Computer Configuration -> Policies -> Administrative Templates -> Windows Components -> Remote Desktop Settings -> Remote Desktop Connection Client.
To configure the transparent RDP login without entering a password RDP Single Sign On, configure the Allow delegation defaults credential policy and specify RDP/RDS host names in it (see this article on how to do it).
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