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How to install Intranet SSL Certificate on Tomcat or JBoss ?
Zip file sent by us has the server certificate (server.pfx) in PFX (PKCS12) format. It needs to be imported into the Tomcat/JBoss Keystore file.
To import the SecureNT Intranet SSL Certificate into the Tomcat/JBoss Keystore, use the following command.
keytool -importkeystore -deststorepass inetssl2 -destkeypass inetssl2 -destkeystore [tomcatjbosskeystorefile] -srckeystore server.pfx -srcstoretype PKCS12 -srcstorepass inetssl2 -alias [tomcat/jboss]
In the above command replace the tomcatjbosskeystorefile with the Tomcat / JBoss Keystore file you have on your computer.
Also Check: Tomcat keeps its configuration information in the server.xml file. Make sure Tomcat is reading the correct Tomcat / Jboss Keystore file and that port 8443 is enabled for secure connections.
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