Those might have popped-up in your mind.
Can I have Wildcard SSL for IP Address ?
For protecting multiple IP addresses, Wildcard SSL is not possible. One has to buy either Single Domain or Multi-Domain.
Say, you wish to secure, say an entire range of IP addresses from to
For this, is it possible to buy Wildcard SSL for 192.168.52.*?
Unfortunately, no. That’s not possible.
For securing this IP address range, either one can buy Single Domain for each IP or Multi-Domain Intranet SSL certificate with required IP address in SAN values.
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What are the various types of Intranet SSL Certificates offered by SecureNT ?
We offer 4 types of Intranet SSL Certificates.
Single Domain: SecureNT Intranet SSL Certificate – Single Domain secures an Intranet Server’s Local Host Name, Server Name, internal/public IP Address, or Web page URL using Secure HTTPS protocol.
Multi-Domain or SAN Certificate: SecureNT Intranet SSL Certificate – Multi-Domain (1 + 4 SAN) secures an Intranet Server’s Local Host Name, Server Name, internal/public IP Address, or Web page URL plus 4 SAN values using Secure HTTPS protocol. In case you wish to secure more than 1+4 SAN, then you will have to purchase additional SANs in multiples of 5 SAN values. There is no limit to SAN values.
Wildcard Certificate: SecureNT Intranet SSL Certificate – Wildcard secures an Intranet Server’s Server Name or Web page URL and all sub-domains using Secure HTTPS protocol.
Multi-Domain Wildcard Certificate: SecureNT Intranet SSL Certificate – Multi-Domain Wildcard is an SSL/TLS certificate that combines the features of both multi-domain (SAN) certificates and wildcard certificates. Thus, it can secure different domain names, multiple wildcard subdomains, and many IP addresses with a single certificate.
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What is a Wildcard Certificate ?
A Wildcard certificate is a single certificate with a wildcard character (* – star) in the domain name field. This allows the certificate to secure multiple subdomain names of the same base domain.
For example, a wildcard certificate for *.(domainname).com, could be used for www.(domainname).com, mail.(domainname).com, blog.(domainname).com, etc. Also, a special case of (domainname).com is also secured.
Certificates are valid for a period ranging from 1 to 10 years. One can install the certificate on unlimited servers.
We offer a 7-day Free Wildcard Certificate. Here is the link: https://intranetssl.net/try-intranetssl-certificate
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What is the pricing of SecureNT Intranet SSL Certificates ?
You may be surprised to know how competitively priced we are, compared to the competition.
Currently we sell certificates in USD only.
If you wish to purchase them in your local currency, do let us know and we will share details of the reseller who can service your order.
We strongly believe in customer satisfaction. Our sales, SSL certificate issuance, and support policies are designed to meet customer needs.
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What are the main features of SecureNT Intranet SSL Certificates ?
- Secure localhost, Server Name, Internal IP Address, Internal Domain, Sub-domain including Wildcard domain e.g., *.company.local
- Secure multiple servers using SAN values
- Certificates valid up to 10 years
- Install the same certificate on unlimited servers
- The certificate is issued with SecureNT Intranet Root & Intranet Intermediate CA chain. They are to be installed on each client’s machine.
- Fast Issuance, usually less than 24 hours
- Fast Expert Customer Support
- Automatic renewal reminders and early renewal options
- 30-day free certificate for Single Domain. 7-day free certificate for Multi-domain and Wildcard.
- Certificates with Custom Root CA in the name of your Organization are available
- Client Authentication Certificates for Web-based Applications and Document Management Systems available
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