Those might have popped-up in your mind.
Are there any discounts available ?
Educational / Non-Profit Customers
We offer a 30% discount on all standard SecureNT Intranet SSL Certificates to educational institutions and non-profit organizations.
If you are eligible let us know your requirement. We will send you online payment link for the same.
Regular Customers
We offer one time discount for participating in our survey about your setup and offering testimonial based on your actual experience.
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Can I have Wildcard SSL for IP Address ?
For protecting multiple IP addresses, Wildcard SSL is not possible. One has to buy either Single Domain or Multi-Domain.
Say, you wish to secure, say an entire range of IP addresses from to
For this, is it possible to buy Wildcard SSL for 192.168.52.*?
Unfortunately, no. That’s not possible.
For securing this IP address range, either one can buy Single Domain for each IP or Multi-Domain Intranet SSL certificate with required IP address in SAN values.
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Can we install SecureNT Intranet SSL Certificates on multiple servers ?
Yes. We give unlimited server license. You can install them on as many servers as you want.
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Do you issue Intranet SSL for internal names with regular TLDs ?
We issue Intranet SSL to all internal names, whether they use any regular TLD or not.
Some Private Certifying Authorities do not issue Intranet SSL if your internal domain name uses a regularly used Top Level Domain (TLD) name, including ccTLD reserved for countries.
For example, if your internal domain name is name1.com or name2.net, or name3.us then they won’t issue Intranet SSL Certificate to you. They will insist that you buy their regular SSL Certificate issued by a public CA.
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How can I make payment for the SSL Certificate ?
We accept payment in multiple ways:
- Wire Transfer (Swift) to our bank account in India
- PayPal (links given under ‘Buy’, ‘Place Order’)
When the order is confirmed we share our Bank details. Upon receipt of payment and certificate details, we ship the certificate usually on the next business day.
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How do we make payment ?
You can place order (buy) the SecureNT Intranet SSL Certificate from this link.
We accept payment in USD. If you wish to pay in local currency, we can help you to by putting you in touch with a reseller. Let us know.
You can pay us online through credit / debit cards using PayPal’s payment service.
You can pay us through Bank Transfer (Wire-Transfer / Swift). We will send our bank details when you place your order.
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Is SecureNT Intranet SSL Domain Validated (DV) or Organization Validated (OV) ?
Since the SecureNT Intranet SSL Certificate is issued to an IP Address or Internal Name (localhost, URL, or Server name) located on the internal network of an organization there is no need to validate the Common Name (CN) or Organization name (O) or Subject Alternative Name (SAN) values.
We verify the correctness of the organization’s name from the organization’s public website.
Domain Validation (DV), Organization Validation (OV), and Extended Validation (EV) are required to be done as per the directive of the CA/Browser Forum for SSL certificates issued by the public Certifying Authority (CA).
SecureNT is a private CA.
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Multi-Domain vs. Wildcard SSL - What's the difference ?
A multi-domain certificate secures many different domains, sub-domains and multiple internal IPs with a single certificate.
A Wildcard certificate secures one domain and an unlimited number of accompanying sub-domains. It cannot protect IP address.
We offer Multi-Domain Wildcard certificate also. It combines the features of both multi-domain (SAN) certificates and wildcard certificates. Thus, it can secure different domain names, multiple wildcard subdomains, and many IP addresses with a single certificate.
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What Are Internal Names ?
Internal names include hosts and domains that cannot be registered or resolved in public DNS e.g., server01 or server.local, localhost, etc.
Internal IP addresses cannot be registered for use on public networks. They include IPv4 or IPv6 addresses the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) marks as reserved. The most common reserved ranges are,, and - More information is available here.
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What are the various types of Intranet SSL Certificates offered by SecureNT ?
We offer 4 types of Intranet SSL Certificates.
Single Domain: SecureNT Intranet SSL Certificate – Single Domain secures an Intranet Server’s Local Host Name, Server Name, internal/public IP Address, or Web page URL using Secure HTTPS protocol.
Multi-Domain or SAN Certificate: SecureNT Intranet SSL Certificate – Multi-Domain (1 + 4 SAN) secures an Intranet Server’s Local Host Name, Server Name, internal/public IP Address, or Web page URL plus 4 SAN values using Secure HTTPS protocol. In case you wish to secure more than 1+4 SAN, then you will have to purchase additional SANs in multiples of 5 SAN values. There is no limit to SAN values.
Wildcard Certificate: SecureNT Intranet SSL Certificate – Wildcard secures an Intranet Server’s Server Name or Web page URL and all sub-domains using Secure HTTPS protocol.
Multi-Domain Wildcard Certificate: SecureNT Intranet SSL Certificate – Multi-Domain Wildcard is an SSL/TLS certificate that combines the features of both multi-domain (SAN) certificates and wildcard certificates. Thus, it can secure different domain names, multiple wildcard subdomains, and many IP addresses with a single certificate.
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What is Top Level Domain (TLD) ?
TLD is the acronym used for top-level domain. It’s the last segment of a domain name after the final dot.
A great example of a TDL is: .com
The IANA officially recognizes three types of TLDs:
- gTLD – Generic Top-Level Domains
- ccTLD – Country Code Top-Level Domains
- sTLD – Sponsored Top-Level Domains Your TLD plays an important role in the Domain Name System (DNS). For more information click here.
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What is a Multi-Domain Wildcard SSL certificate ?
A multi-domain wildcard certificate is an SSL/TLS certificate that combines the features of both multi-domain (SAN) certificates and wildcard certificates. Thus, it can secure different domain names, multiple wildcard subdomains, and many IP addresses with a single certificate.
Key Features of Multi-Domain Wildcard Certificate
Cost-Effective: Instead of purchasing separate certificates for each domain and subdomain, you can manage everything with one certificate, reducing complexity and cost.
Simplified Management: Easier to manage and renew compared to handling multiple individual certificates.
Certificates are valid for a period ranging from 1 to 10 years. One can install the certificate on unlimited servers.
We offer a 7-day Free Multi-Domain Wildcard Certificate. Here is the link: https://intranetssl.net/try-intranetssl-certificate
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What is a Multi-Domain or SAN Certificate ?
A Multi-Domain (or Subject Alternative Name-SAN) certificate can support multiple domains, server names, and IP Addresses with a single domain. They reduce SSL cost and maintenance by using a single certificate for multiple websites using SAN. These certificates are more flexible than Wildcard certificates since they are not limited to a single domain.
Note: Only non-Wildcard names can be added as SAN.
Certificates are valid for a period ranging from 1 to 10 years. One can install the certificate on unlimited servers.
We offer a 7-day Free Multi-Domain Certificate.** Here is the link: https://intranetssl.net/try-intranetssl-certificate
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What is a Single Domain SSL Certificate ?
SecureNT Intranet SSL Certificate – Single Domain secures an Intranet Server’s Local Host Name, Server Name, internal/public IP Address, or Web page URL using Secure HTTPS protocol.
Certificates are valid for a period ranging from 1 to 10 years. One can install the certificate on unlimited servers.
We offer a 30-day Free Single Domain Certificate. Here is the link: https://intranetssl.net/try-intranetssl-certificate
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What is a Wildcard Certificate ?
A Wildcard certificate is a single certificate with a wildcard character (* – star) in the domain name field. This allows the certificate to secure multiple subdomain names of the same base domain.
For example, a wildcard certificate for *.(domainname).com, could be used for www.(domainname).com, mail.(domainname).com, blog.(domainname).com, etc. Also, a special case of (domainname).com is also secured.
Certificates are valid for a period ranging from 1 to 10 years. One can install the certificate on unlimited servers.
We offer a 7-day Free Wildcard Certificate. Here is the link: https://intranetssl.net/try-intranetssl-certificate
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What is an Intranet SSL Certificate ?
An Intranet SSL certificate is a Private/non-Public SSL (TLS) Certificate issued by SecureNT.
Technically, it is similar to the SSL certificates issued by Public CAs (like DigiCert, GlobalSign, Entrust, Sectigo, or Let’s Encrypt) but it is used on internal networks or private sites.
Thus, the Intranet SSL certificate is installed on the servers of an internal private network. After installation, whenever a user (client PC) on a local network connects to this server using a browser, all data flowing between the client PC and the server is encrypted and no one can read it, even with snooping tools.
Thus, confidential data and passwords flowing on the internal network remain secure from unauthorized users and even hackers.
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What is the pricing of SecureNT Intranet SSL Certificates ?
You may be surprised to know how competitively priced we are, compared to the competition.
Currently we sell certificates in USD only.
If you wish to purchase them in your local currency, do let us know and we will share details of the reseller who can service your order.
We strongly believe in customer satisfaction. Our sales, SSL certificate issuance, and support policies are designed to meet customer needs.
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Why choose Multi-Domain Wildcard SSL Certificates ?
It is the most economical way to secure Unlimited Sub-Domains and multiple host Names, Server Names, Internal/Public IP Addresses, or Web Page URLs with one Certificate.
Thus, it reduces the burdens of managing many individual certificates.
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Why use an Intranet SSL on Internal Network Servers ?
CA/Browser Forum (CA/B), the regulatory body that governs the SSL industry, does not allow Public CAs to issue Public SSL Certificates to Private Internal Networks covered under IETF RFC 1918.
So, internal/private Servers have to use SSL Certificates from non-public CAs or Self-Signed Certificates.
Of course, some of these Public CAs do issue Intranet/non-Public SSL Certificates using non-Public Root Certificates. SecureNT Intranet SSL does the same but offers it quickly and at a much more attractive price.
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