SecureNT Intranet SSL

SSL/TLS Certificates for Internal Networks.


Those might have popped-up in your mind.

Do you issue Intranet SSL for internal names with regular TLDs ?

We issue Intranet SSL to all internal names, whether they use any regular TLD or not.

Some Private Certifying Authorities do not issue Intranet SSL if your internal domain name uses a regularly used Top Level Domain (TLD) name, including ccTLD reserved for countries.

For example, if your internal domain name is or, or then they won’t issue Intranet SSL Certificate to you. They will insist that you buy their regular SSL Certificate issued by a public CA.

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Why use an Intranet SSL on Internal Network Servers ?

CA/Browser Forum (CA/B), the regulatory body that governs the SSL industry, does not allow Public CAs to issue Public SSL Certificates to Private Internal Networks covered under IETF RFC 1918.

So, internal/private Servers have to use SSL Certificates from non-public CAs or Self-Signed Certificates.

Of course, some of these Public CAs do issue Intranet/non-Public SSL Certificates using non-Public Root Certificates. SecureNT Intranet SSL does the same but offers it quickly and at a much more attractive price.

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