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What is a Single Domain SSL Certificate ?
SecureNT Intranet SSL Certificate – Single Domain secures an Intranet Server’s Local Host Name, Server Name, internal/public IP Address, or Web page URL using Secure HTTPS protocol.
Certificates are valid for a period ranging from 1 to 10 years. One can install the certificate on unlimited servers.
We offer a 30-day Free Single Domain Certificate. Here is the link: https://intranetssl.net/try-intranetssl-certificate
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What are the main features of SecureNT Intranet SSL Certificates ?
- Secure localhost, Server Name, Internal IP Address, Internal Domain, Sub-domain including Wildcard domain e.g., *.company.local
- Secure multiple servers using SAN values
- Certificates valid up to 10 years
- Install the same certificate on unlimited servers
- The certificate is issued with SecureNT Intranet Root & Intranet Intermediate CA chain. They are to be installed on each client’s machine.
- Fast Issuance, usually less than 24 hours
- Fast Expert Customer Support
- Automatic renewal reminders and early renewal options
- 30-day free certificate for Single Domain. 7-day free certificate for Multi-domain and Wildcard.
- Certificates with Custom Root CA in the name of your Organization are available
- Client Authentication Certificates for Web-based Applications and Document Management Systems available
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